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Logo RD International Dating 2018

International R&D Dating 2018 - February, 6th, 2018



ARIIS – Alliance for Research and Innovation in Health Industries –


ariis logoCreated in 2010, ARIIS aims at decompartmentalizing private research and fostering synergies between pharma, medical technology, diagnosis tools, biotechnologies for human use, as well as developing public/private partnerships in order to set up the best environment to enhance innovation. Unique in the world, ARIIS is a key asset for France competitiveness and attractiveness to foster the development of innovative products, i.e. from the idea to making it available to patients, bringing together all the actors of the health industry.


With the backing of the French Federation of Health Industries (FEFIS) which federates the ten French health industry associations, ARIIS counts about forty members companies.

As Aviesan’s privileged contact, ARIIS interacts with all stakeholders, training, informing and favoring dialogue and partnerships between scientists in research and innovation in order to:

  • Build bridges between sectors with cultures that sometimes differ greatly ;
  • Enhance visibility of research and development activities in France ;
  • Identify and overcome obstacles to make France attractive for research and development activities.


French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (Aviesan) –

logo cvtSet up in April 2009, the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (Aviesan) groups together the main stakeholders* of life sciences and health in France.

Aviesan was created out of a desire to improve French research performance by promoting consistency, creativity and excellence. This is a task that calls for the scientific coordination of all the major avenues of research shared by the scientific bodies and aims at achieving the operational coordination of projects, resources and means.

Aviesan’s aims are:

  • coordinating strategic analysis, scientific programming and the operational implementation of life sciences and health research ;
  • providing new impetus for translational research by accelerating fundamental knowledge transfer into its clinical applications ;
  • promoting cross-discipline cooperation by opening up biology and medicine to contributions from mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing, engineering sciences, and even the humanities and the social sciences ;
  • ensuring that projects are consistent in terms of subject matter and infrastructure;
  • ensuring the clinical, economic and social enhancement of knowledge, especially by facilitating partnerships with industry ;
  • defining shared positions with respect to European research and international cooperation ;
  • harmonising and simplifying the administrative procedures of laboratories in order to enhance the creativity and excellence of the research teams.

* These objectives have been implemented within 9 thematic multi-organization institutes (ITMOs) whose principal role is to promote strategic thinking within their respective scientific communities.

The founder members of Aviesan are: CEA, CNRS, Conference of Directors-general of the CHRU, Conference of University Presidents, Inra, Inria, Inserm, Institut Pasteur and IRD.

The following associate members recently joined Aviesan: ARIIS, Cirad (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement), Cdefi, EFS (Etablissement Français du Sang), Fondation Mérieux, Ineris (Institut National de l'Environnement industriel et des risques), Institut Curie, Institut Mines-Telecom, IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire), IRBA (Institut de recherche biomédicale des armées) and Unicancer.